Super Bull 6000 Consumer Review:

Featured image of box of super bull 6000 pills for consumer review article 2018
Hi and welcome to Best Erection Boosters, my name is Tim Smith and this is my personal review and information website on male enhancement products and everything else in-between.

There are many different male enhancement products you can buy on the market such as Super Bull 6000.

Here’s a little bit more about this product and how it can help you with male enhancement.

me holding my order of super bull 6000 male enhancement pills

All About:

This product is a herbal formula that can help men with male enhancements. Some of the things the company claims this product can do include:

  • Fight fatigue
  • Improve erectile dysfunction
  • Improve sexual weakness
  • Eliminate fatigue
  • Eliminate premature ejaculation problems

The Ingredients:

The pills are also said to improve your overall health. The product is made with a unique formula that is based on Chinese medicine. It includes the following ingredients:

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  1. Walnut kernel
  2. Gorgon fruit
  3. Lotus seed
  4. Mulberry fruit

My Concerns:

The main problem with this product is it I could not find a proper review of it anywhere online, so this is kind of a concern. I was able to obtain a sample through eBay for around $9.00.

This gives you 12 capsules. Other male enhancement products are going for a lot more.

The manufacturer of this product is basically unknown as it is a supplement from China. This means that there could be some problems with it.

featured image of super bull 6000 pills for consumer review, me holding box

There’s no FDA involvement with the product and no safety regulations so you might want to take this into consideration if you decide to buy it.

You may be better off getting another product because you simply don’t know what this one is going to do for you.

If you want to try it, it’s up to you. The instructions say you should take one capsule around the two hours before you engage in sexual activity and this is what I did to test how this product works.

My Results:

After taking this product I didn’t experience anything that was of note. I did not have an urge to have sex and I did not have an improved hard-on.

This means that the product is safe to use, but that it doesn’t really work. I had no side effects when I took this product.

me with glass of water taking super bull 6000 pills

The downside is that I had no noticeable effects from taking this product such as a better-quality erection.

I noticed that my energy levels were about normal and my sexual activity with my girlfriend that was normal.

The manufacturer claims that you will have a better erection, more sexual energy, and a better sex drive, but I just didn’t notice this when taking this product.

My Conclusion:

I expected more out of Super Bull 6000, But I just didn’t get this. This product May improve your health to a small degree, but it doesn’t improve your sex life.

I would rather spend my money on a sex enhancer that actually works.

This product just didn’t do any of that in that regard, so I really can’t recommend it as a quality male enhancement product is it simply doesn’t do anything worthwhile and it’s a waste of your money.

Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith

Super Bull 6000
















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